RACO Investment founder Randall Castillo Ortega explains how to monitor new businesses for success

Continuously monitoring and finding ways to improve workplace operations can help an organization keep its finances stable and continue to deliver high-quality products and services. An employer must control operations in the workplace so that he can develop strategies to improve procedures and protocols. As a business increases its sales or size, the monitoring task becomes more important and complicated. When starting a new business, it’s important to adopt these strategies from the start in order to find success. Randall Castillo Ortega, the founder of RACO Investment, explains the different methods necessary for new entrepreneurs to properly monitor their businesses from the launch.

Monitoring operations requires supervision from employee and customer management and feedback. Providing specific instructions to employees can be very useful as it can lead to better time management and increased productivity. Castillo Improving workplace operations requires an analysis of the collected information to identify underlying problems and find solutions and methods for managing them,” explains Castillo.

To effectively measure your company’s performance company, you need to set indicators that let you know the results and how to make the right adjustments when needed. Each area within the company has its own mechanisms, needs and resources. It is important to have an analysis of how each separate area performs to achieve its specific goals.

There are many ways to collect data through regular monitoring and surveys. Many companies use customer retention management (CRM) software. The capabilities of the various software available on the market vary, but most offer various ways to monitor workplace operations. All relevant information coming from calls to and from potential customers and contacts, online and traditional surveys, tracking and sales must be recorded and analyzed. At this time, you can find in the market software that even help track orders and send follow-up offers.

In addition to technology, you can use site operations, employee surveys, and customer feedback to collect valuable data about how your company is delivering your products or services. Asserts Castillo, “Site operations can be performed by management, owners or an external consulting firm, which offers an external perspective on operations. Employee surveys provide valuable feedback on the most complicated areas. Customer feedback, whether requested or collected through social media channels, provides companies with valuable information about the user experience.” Sometimes, when everything seems to be going well, the customer’s vision may point to something that would otherwise be overlooked.

As a company owner, you should view the data regularly to understand patterns and look for anomalies. Although there may not be a monthly review of the site, employers may use other collected data to understand what works well and what doesn’t.

Engaging your employees is important, as well. Start by creating a work environment that accepts and encourages change. An open-door policy, respectful treatment and open, bilateral communications are some of the most important components. If you take the time to establish a foundation that encourages and rewards employee contributions before implementing an operational monitoring and improvement plan, it will be much easier to get your cooperation.

Once you identify the problem in the process(s), it is imperative that the company take steps to optimize operations in the workplace. If you implement a new sales protocol, you must include it in the operations manual and then distribute it to employees. In addition to the distribution of written protocol, employers must train their employees on a consistent and regular basis for the new protocol to be commonly used. In addition, employers should request feedback on new policies and procedures to adjust and improve them. Sometimes improving workflow changes can be very useful. If there are inventory issues, managers must make arrangements with vendors or find new ones that can handle the demand.

The key to monitoring work operations and developing an excellent performance management model according to the company’s goals is to get constant feedback from employees and customers. Technology and digital transformation are key tools that allow you to move forward every day using automated services that streamline processes, improve business outcomes and employee performance.